Category Archives: South Africa

Setting off to the Transkei

April fool’s day 2015 saw us bowling over Sir Lowry’s Pass in bright sunshine bound for Victoria Bay, perhaps a few hours behind schedule, but at least leaving as planned months earlier, on the right day! We were ecstatic to be escaping the maelstrom of civilisation. Well, more or less escaping, if driving into the south and east coast Easter holiday rush could ever amount to that. The first few weeks of April we knew were bound to be busy and so we had booked ahead as we headed towards Mozambique. Continue reading Setting off to the Transkei

Watch out for the deadly snakes and scorpions of southern Africa

To some scorpions and snakes are amongst the scariest creatures in the veld and very few people like the idea of encountering them. Whilst the majority of scorpions and snakes are harmless it is important to know how to prevent stings and bites and how to treat these, especially if they may be lethal.

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How to start travelling Africa

So, you read about all these wonderful places in Africa and you want to go but you don’t know where to start?  You are not an experienced camper and you don’t own a 4WD. Don’t despair; there are many beautiful places that you can reach in your 2 wheel drive sedan vehicle and there are plenty of campsites or lodges with excellent facilities. Continue reading How to start travelling Africa