Winding its way through kloofs and over mountain streams, Matebeng Pass offers superb views of eastern Lesotho. This landscape is worth the slow travel, but you have to know what to expect. By Chris Duvenage, with additional information from Gavin Fordham, Gavin Ogilvie and Greg Nelson
As skiers and snowboarders will agree, Lesotho is most famous for its wintertime delights. But as it turns out, there’s plenty more to discover in the ‘Kingdom in the Sky’. Here are five unmissable Lesotho activities to be enjoyed year-round. Text by Roxanne Reid; Pictures by Keith Reid
We left Himeville at the foot of the Drakensberg after a peaceful night’s camping at Goxhill Trout Lodge, situated on a working dairy farm close-by. We were heading for the famous Sani Pass and then Lesotho. I was particularly excited as it would be my first visit to either and we were hoping to see the remains of snow that had fallen three weeks prior…
It was quick and easy to exit South Africa at the border control at the bottom of the 8km pass. The dry brown grass clad smooth, rounded foothills of the mountains and wooded valleys were spectacular as we ascended, more so because they contrasted with their white snow covered tops.
The top of the Drakensberg mountains were capped with snow.
Signs at the bottom and the top of the pass indicate that only 4WD vehicles are allowed access, and one can imagine that it must be challenging even for these when it is wet or snowy. Indeed travellers have become snow bound as bad weather has suddenly encroached, only to recover their vehicles weeks later – so one should enter prepared with sufficient spares, food, water and warm clothing. Now the pass was dry, rough, rocky and slow, but not difficult to drive. Continue reading Lesotho: kingdom of snow→