Top trek: Fish River Canyon

Most sources cite the Fish River Canyon as the second largest canyon in the world, after the Grand Canyon in America. It certainly is one of Africa’s great natural wonders and the iconic five-day hike is rated among the top treks in the world.

If you follow the river diligently, the route is about 90km but thanks to some scenic shortcuts we hiked 75,5km in total. Officially the distance is covered over five days and four nights but we spent five nights in the canyon as we preferred to start the initial steep descent at midday. It is a tough hike as you have to carry everything that you will need to survive for five days (apart from water) and although the terrain is not technical, thick sand, boulder hopping and exposure to the elements make it quite challenging.

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How to dust proof your canopy

By Peter Barber

Overlanders love travelling the back roads but driving off the beaten track inevitably means driving gravel roads…. and having everything covered in dust when you arrive at your destination after a long day’s drive.

During our seven month overland trip last year I took great care to dustproof our canopy as best I could before we left. I ensured that all the canopy doors catches were tightened up as much as possible (whilst still allowing the doors to close properly) so that the doors fitted snugly to the canopy frame and compressed the rubber seals.

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Overland travel in Africa