Self-drive travellers have different overnight options. They can choose to stay in full board or self-catering accommodation, or to camp. Campers have the option of travelling with and staying in a mobile home or campervan, or to camp the old-fashioned way. Well, not really the old-fashioned way, because nowadays there are so many gadgets and such a variety of equipment available in the outdoor shops.
You can decide which of these things you want to take along to add some convenience to your camping, but there are some basic things that you will need for shelter and preparing your food. Here are some must-haves:
For camping
- Tent with built-in ground sheet and mosquito net (if you’re not using a rooftop tent)
- Gazebo with ground sheet is convenient if you use a rooftop tent
- Hammer and spade
- Stretcher or inflatable/foam mattress
- Sleeping bag
- Sheets
- Pillow
- Folding table and table cloth
- Camp chairs
- 12 V DC LED lights (preferably LED that draws low current from your vehicle battery)
- Clothes-line and pegs
- Wash-basin and toiletries
- Bag for carrying your towels, toiletries and clothes to the ablution block
- Cooler box or small refrigerator
- Water bottles filled with water from home (at least for first day’s drinking water)
- Swiss army knife or Leatherman
- Picnic blanket
- Dustpan and brush
- Toilet paper
- Universal size plug
For cooking
- Braai equipment like grid, triangle, tongs, gloves, matches and firelighters
- Gas cylinder and cooker head with spare rubber seals, key and nozzles
- Cast iron pot, frying pan, pot and kettle
- Plates and salad bowl
- Mugs and glasses
- Cutlery and can opener
- Chopping board, sharp knife and bread knife
- Egg lifter and grater
- Paper towel, tinfoil, jiffy bags (for leftovers) and refuse bags
- Washing-up bowl, dishcloths, scourers and detergents
Technical hardware
- 220 V AC extension lead
- Extender plug
- 220 V AC battery chargers (for deep cycle batteries while at a place with electricity)
- Inverter
- Notebook with MapSource, T4A maps and photo programs installed to download tracks and photos
- External storage device to backup tracks and photos.
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First Aid Kit. Include medications to deal with diarrhoea; fevers; colds; coughs etc. Also include a variety of plasters and wound dressings and anti-septic’s. Optive or similar drops for dry eyes. Sufficent contact lens solutions and spare contact lenses. Broad spectrum anti-biotics if you have them. If you purchase a made up first aid kit ensure that you cover yourself for items that may not be included as listed above.
Good point regarding the ready-made first aid kits.
Suggest adding:
Vehicle registration papers (copies)
Head torch (LED)
First aid kit including one broad spectrum antibiotic
I would like to add a small airpump (compressor) with tyre repair kit that can be bought from any reliable spare shop.
Don’t forget patches for your infatable mattress. We were very glad we’d taken some on our trip. Had we not we’d have had a very uncofortable three weeks.