Making bookings for one of the camps in the National Parks in Botswana can be a nightmare. Bookings should be done a year in advance otherwise you might end up not having your reservations sorted out on the day you leave.
Continue reading How to book campsites in Botswana National Parks →
“An epic adventure, covering 4 380km in ten days through some of the roughest terrain in the African wilderness has really re-enforced my respect for nature… and Toyota Land Cruiser,” says Jeremy Clacherty from Pinetown in Kwazulu-Natal after he and five of his friends literally got into deep water in the Okavango Delta.
From their experience it is clear that overlanders should be extremely cautious when traversing roads that could be affected by seasonal water and must do proper homework before they take on this challenge. They got horribly stuck in the swamps and it almost became a life threatening situation when they had to abandon one of the two vehicles in the party. Continue reading An epic adventure in the Okavango →
If you are looking for a taste of wild Africa with little Western human interference, an abundance of animals and birds, beautiful sunsets and masses of water, the western part of the Zambezi region of Namibia is the place to go. The Zambezi was known as the Caprivi until 2013 and stretches out like an arm and protecting hand over Botswana. Lying in the far north-east of Namibia, the Caprivi region stretches out between Angola, Zambia and Botswana and touches Zimbabwe at the confluence of the Chobe and Zambezi Rivers. Continue reading The Caprivi (Zambezi region) is still wild →
Overland travel in Africa