When you start planning a trip there are certain important administrative things that you have to see to if you do not want to spoil an otherwise well planned trip. One should have a checklist that you look at when you start planning and then double check just before you leave to make sure that you have taken care of all the last minute arrangements as well. Continue reading Trip planning checklist
Tag Archives: Preparation
Preparing your sedan or SUV
If you are going to travel in a sedan car, SUV or a 4×2 pick-up you are most likely not going to venture into rough or remote terrain but will stick to the main roads. This may lead you to think that you do not need to prepare for every eventuality. This may be true, but we urge you to at least consider the following aspects. Continue reading Preparing your sedan or SUV
Preparing your bike for overland travel
If you travel by bike, all you really need is money and your documents. The rest are luxuries. The less weight you carry, the better your motorcycle will handle and the less chance you have of falling and damaging yourself and your bike. Continue reading Preparing your bike for overland travel