By Johann Groenewald (co-owner of Tracks4Africa)
People often wonder how Tracks4Africa started out. Today’s company with twenty-odd employees and product representation all over the world started out as a simple quest for information. I asked founder, Wouter Brand, to take me on a trip to see where it all began. The mode of transport would be Wouter’s only manner of travel these days – motorbikes and the destination would be nowhere specific, other than the remote Namibian landscape.

Around the year 2000, GPS equipment became available for the recreational user and a few technically minded travellers quickly seized the opportunity to better orientate themselves to their surroundings. Wouter recalls a trip to Namibia around that time with friends in Kaokoland, which is a very remote part of Namibia and where getting lost is easy. Knowing where you are is only part of the navigation story; knowing where to go is also vitally important. Continue reading Finding the roots of Tracks4Africa