Tracks4Africa Guide App on Android

Available on the Google Play Store for Android devices, the T4A Guide App offers you the convenience of an African atlas in your pocket, plus it works offline.

Whether you want an overview of Africa at a glance or want to explore at a local level, the updated T4A Guide App is just the thing. Originally launched in 2016, the 2020 version of the app has been updated with new technology.

The new Guide App has a free base map of Africa as a whole, with the option to purchase a high definition (HD) version of the map. The HD map lets you zoom right down to street level detail.

Who is it for?

The T4A Guide App is for those travellers who enjoy discovering new places as they travel. The app shows where you are on the map and lets you discover nearby places where you can overnight, eat, refuel or take in the sights. The entries for these points of interest come with rich content, so you can find contact details and read up on a place before setting off. Even better, everything in the Guide App also works offline, so you don’t need an internet connection.

The app with base map is free, with the option to add detailed country guides. If you own three or more country guides, you will get the HD map free of charge.

Features of the Guide App

  • Thorough road network for overlanders
  • Search for points of interest based on your location
  • Switch between North-Up and Track-Up mode
  • Use map in the zoom level of your choosing
  • Rotate the map in any direction you want
  • Full functionality when you’re off the grid, no internet required

Get the Guide App for Android.


10 thoughts on “Tracks4Africa Guide App on Android”

    1. The Tracks4Africa Guide App is not currently compatible with Android Auto.

  1. How many mb does this app take? How many MBs is the Africa Map (within the guide)? How many MBs are the Nambia and Botswana maps? Can the app and maps be installed on a microSD card on an android tablet?

    1. The Tracks4Africa Guide App itself uses around 125MB. Depending on whether it is for Android or IOS, the guides and the Africa map together would be under 1GB. The Africa map is approx. 250MB, the Namibia map 83MB and the Botswana map 36MB – find more details in About this app on Google Play. The app is installed to internal memory, not the SD card.

    1. Hi Francisco

      The Garmin Overlander is a GPS device. Our Guide App will definately note work on a Garmin Overlander. It will work on an android or IOS smart device, like a phone or ipad.


    2. The Garmin Overlander is based on Android OS however it is locked in to Garmin apps only. Google Play has not been included in the device OS hence no Google Play apps can be used.

  2. Hi. Your device obviously needs at least a GPS to work? My Ipad without a sim card or GPS is useless?

    1. Hi Thomas, iPads without 3G does not have a built in GPS. So yes the device will not be able to pin point your location.

  3. Now everyone can use the Guide app. Watch this space for more and more exciting features to be added to it. We are already experimenting with tracking features.

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